Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Refreshing service.

I rejoice at the coming of Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus, because they have made up for your absence, for they refreshed my spirit as well as yours. Give recognition to such people. - 1 Corinthians 16: 17-18 

Paul gives us the names of three people that were important to the work of the Gospel, and he compliments them tremendously for all they have done and were doing. He does not list any actual work but states that they themselves were a great refreshing influence to himself and the church. 
Just think about that for a moment, what we do to serve the Lord in Church is very important, but what is more important is what kind of person you are when you serve. 
Are you a reluctant servant that has to be begged and pleaded with? Do you serve with utmost reluctance and constant complaining, griping, and are you always treading on everyone else's toes, or is it always they who are treading on yours? 
Is your area of service your pet project, your little empire? In short are you a drain on everyone else? 
Or are you refreshing to those that you work with, with your fellow servants, is your service and outflowing of gratitude for the sheer pleasure of serving the ultimate Servant -Savior? Is our service done in love, compassion, gratitude and with thanksgiving? 

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