Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Lord is my Shepherd

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.  
Psalms 23:1
A passage we all know very well, and it is a text that is very comforting to us when we hear it.
The Lord God, Creator of the Universe and everything in it, God All-powerful, Omni-potent, and he desires us to see His as a Shepherd, as our shepherd.
Being a Shepherd is and was never was a very glamorous job, in fact it cannot even be described as a desirable job by any stretch of the imagination. Sheep have a predisposition to scatter, to wander off on their own and get into trouble or danger, to get separated from the rest of the flock, to get tangled up in overhanging branches or bushes. Sheep need constant watching, it is a 24 hour job, and thankless task, and dangerous job, and one with little reward for the shepherd. A shepherd is not a harsh dictator, a merciless tyrant, and unfeeling master. A shepherd gives names to all his sheep and knows each one and calls each one by name, a shepherd speaks gently and softly to the sheep under his care, a shepherd does not hesitate to place himself in danger in order to protect his flock from any harm. A shepherd leads from the front, waking out ahead of and guiding his sheep to pleasant pastures and a good supply of fresh water. A shepherd takes care of the needs of his sheep.
Jesus is our good Shepherd, he knows us each by name, he calls us to himself, he has gone on ahead of us, and He has laid down his life for us. He saved us from our sin, and from the consequences of that sin, which is death and eternal separation from God. Jesus has provided full and final salvation for us. 

Is Jesus your Shepherd?

May he lead and guide you from this day forward as your ever loving Shepherd 

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